Unless you’re independently wealthy, it’s likely that you could use a little extra money every now and then. Maybe you just want a little extra money to have some fun with, or maybe you have a new unexpected bill that popped up that you want to pay off quickly. There are even Jobs for 13 Year Olds in the UK, so if your teenager is in need of more cash, there are plenty of things that they could be doing to earn a little. Whatever the reason, here are a few ways you can make some extra money.
Ask For A Raise
If you have a steady job and you feel like you are doing your share of the work, or maybe even more than your share, don’t be afraid to ask your boss for a raise. The worst thing they can tell you is no. Make sure that you don’t just blurt it out, and make sure you are using the right tone when you ask.
Research the normal pay structure for the job you do, and be prepared to explain to your boss exactly why you believe that you deserve a raise. If you don’t get that raise, you may consider picking up one of the following types or money making projects as a way to earn supplemental income.
Start Writing
There are always writing jobs available online. There is work for people with no writing experience, and work for those with degrees in writing. You just need to know where to look. It’s starts by finding job boards for writers, which is a simple search away.
Many writing jobs pay by Paypal, so you’ll want that account set up. Put together a resume that highlights any writing experience you have, even if it’s just college term papers. As long as you have a knack for the written word, you have a shot.
Create Something
If you are an artistic or crafty person, you can start making some homemade items and sell them online, from Facebook to Etsy. People love crafts and artwork, and if you come up with something new that people will want you can make a good amount of money. You may even want to sell your items at local craft shows and art shows.
Become An Independent Sales Rep
You can find independent sales and direct sales jobs on normal job search sites. AVON is one of those companies that is always looking for new people to sell their products. These days there are hundreds of options, ranging from health and wellness items to jewelry.
Pick something you are passionate about. You should also do some research to find out if their are other people selling those products in your area, because if you have too much competition it may be harder to make a sale.
Sell Your Old Stuff
If you have a lot of stuff, or you have an eye for good deals at garage sales and thrift shops, you can sell stuff on Ebay, or even in your own yard sale, and make a little bit of money. The yard sale thing would be more like a one time sum of money, while you can make some residual money on Ebay if you continually collect items to sell.