When you need to get rid of your car, it can be hard to know where to start. Many people think that selling is the best option, and that scrapping is only for cars that have come to the end of their life, but this is not always the case. Scrapping can be the solution for many car owners, thanks to the ease and speed at which old cars can be taken off their hands. Read on for the main reasons why scrapping your old car could be better than trying to sell it.
Cost Effective
Thanks to the increase in scrap metal prices, scrapping a worn out vehicle can sometimes earn you almost as much as the price you’d receive if you sold it. This is particularly the case for cars in need of serious repairs- it can cost more for you to make the car roadworthy than it is worth, in which case save yourself the hassle by contacting a scrapping company. Get an online quote, as if your car can be repaired then you will get paid far more than the scrap value of your car. Unlike selling your car, a scrap company will offer you a price and you can then make a decision- so no need to spend time negotiating back and forth. If you want cash in your pocket as soon as possible, scrapping is the way to go. Many companies now use electronic transfers for quicker payments. Be wary of any scrapyards offering you cash, as The Scrap Metal Dealers’ Act means that it is now illegal for dealers to make cash payments for scrap cars in England and Wales.
Save time
With so many different websites now available for you to sell your car, it is easy to spend hours researching before you have even advertised your vehicle for sale. Having to deal with floods of emails, and fit viewings for potential buyers into your busy schedule, with no guarantee that you will even be successful in selling your car? Not always the best use of your time. If you want to sell your car to get some quick cash, avoid this lengthy process by scrapping it instead. If your priority is not getting the best possible price, but to get money for your car easily and with minimal paperwork, then consider using a website that offers you the full package. The straightforward process includes a free collection service- the driver takes your vehicle, makes sure that you receive payment, and then gives you the necessary completed paperwork.
Green option
Recycling your car with a green scrapping company is the most environmentally friendly way to dispose of an old vehicle. These companies focus on re-using the parts that are suitable for use in other cars, and repairing parts that are able to be refurbished. For the components and parts that cannot be used again, they can be reduced to their component materials and recycled. The vast majority of car parts can be recycled one way or another- even waste engine oil can be collected and refined for use in creating new products. Using a reputable company means that you can trust they are disposing of your vehicle safely.