Creating a nest egg or even just a rainy day fund is important, and when practiced consistently throughout the year saving a few dollars here or there can really add up. Here are a few tips that will help you put more money in reserve and eliminate some of the financial worry that we all face.
Don’t Spend Your Loose Change
If you spend cash for most of your purchases, the loose change you get back can add up to a significant sum of money over the course of a year. Take an old coffee can or something similar and designate that as your change bucket. Whenever the cashier at the store gives you change, hold on to the coins and deposit them in your bucket when you get home. The great thing about this saving tip is that it also shines a light on how easy money can get away from you when you aren’t paying attention.
At the end of the year, take your coin bucket to one of those nifty machines that will give you bills for it minus a nominal fee. Don’t be surprised if you saved way more than you realized.
Make Your Home an Energy Saving Machine
It may sound like an unconventional piece of advice, but remember that you have the potential to save a significant amount of money annually by maximizing your home’s efficiency. This typically involves relatively simple steps, such as periodic AC tune-ups carried out by professionals like those at W.C. Eshenaur & Son, Inc., strategically using shades to control the amount of sunlight entering your home, and diligently turning off lights and unplugging appliances when they’re not in use.
By consistently implementing these practices, along with similar ones, it’s entirely possible to reduce energy costs by as much as 30%. This not only results in a more budget-friendly approach but also fosters the creation of a comfortable and energy-efficient home.
Save One Dollar for Every Purchase
This one is another powerful way to make small additions to your stash of cash. Every time you make a purchase, add a dollar to your savings. It doesn’t seem like much, but think about how many trips you make to the gas station, grocery store, and retail outlets during the course of a year. The reason this works is because you won’t really feel bad about turning loose of that extra dollar at the time.
At the end of the year, check to see how much you saved and you’ll discover an extra benefit. The total number of dollars you saved equals how many purchases you made during the year. That can give you a good perspective on your spending habits and perhaps compel you to cut back if necessary.
Borrow Smart
This tip is a little more serious-minded than the first two, but it’s important. Everyone gets in a bind from time to time and needs a little help to get by. Borrowing money is no big deal, but you need to borrow smart. Before you go trotting off to a pawn shop with your treasured goods or taking out one of those awful payday loans, consider some other options.
Some great alternatives to traditional payday loans are offered by companies like MaxLend. You can receive up to $1,250 by filling out a very simple application and the money is placed directly in your bank account the next business day. The great thing about these payday loan alternatives is that they allow you to repay in installments instead of making you pay in one lump sum when your next paycheck arrives.