How do you fancy doing your bit for charity and nabbing yourself a fiver worth of Argos toy vouchers? I spotted this deal in the window of my local Barnardo’s charity shop when out and about trying to find a Halloween costume in the charity shops.
It’s pretty simple, until 20th November 2015 if you donate toys to a Barnardo’s charity shop you will receive a £5 Argos toy voucher which can be redeemed until close of play this coming Christmas Eve. This is a nationwide campaign and comes at a perfect time for you to clear out unloved or out-grown toys and discuss the concept of charity, poverty and helping others with your children. Thank you for stopping by. Just before we carry on I want to to say thanks to for their continued support and the support of their local community. Having a company and team like this means a lot to us as we continue to grow our public blog.
Profits from the donated toys will be spent funding work with over 240,000 UK children and families. You can find all of the information here.